Plan Comparisons 2018-06-27T12:14:45-04:00


Compare Medigap PlansCompare Medigap Rates

Medigap Benefits ↓ Plans → ABCDF*GKLMN
Skilled nursing facility care coinsuranceNOYESYESYESYESYES50%75%YESYES
Part A deductibleNOYESYESYESYESYES50%75%50%YES
Foreign travel exchange (up to plan limitsNONO80%80%80%80%NONO80%80%
Out-of-pocket limit**N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A$4,960$2,480 N/AN/A
Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
up to an additional 365 days after
Medicare benefits are used up
Part B coinsurance or copaymentYESYESYESYESYESYES50%75%YESYES***
Blood (first 3 pints)YESYESYESYESYESYES50%75%YESYES
Part A hospice care coinsurance or copaymentYESYESYESYESYESYES50%75%YESYES
Yes = the plan covers 100% of this benefit
No = the policy doesn’t cover that benefit
% = the plan covers that percentage of this benefit
N/A = not applicable

* Plan F also offers a high-deductible plan. If you choose this option, this means you must pay for Medicare-covered costs up to the deductible amount of $2,180 in 2016 before your Medigap plan pays anything.

** After you meet your out-of-pocket yearly limit and your yearly Part B deductible, the Medigap plan pays 100% of covered services for the rest of the calendar year.

*** Plan N pays 100% of the Part B coinsurance, except for a copayment of up to $20 for some office visits and up to a $50 copayment for emergency room visits that don’t result in inpatient admission.

Massachusetts, Minnesota, or Wisconsin – If you live in one of these 3 states, Medigap policies are standardized in a different way.